Slime Taoshite 300 Nen Wiki

We Opened a Coffee Shop (喫茶店を開いた, Kissaten o Hiraita) is the twelfth and final episode of the I've Been Killing Slimes For 300 Years And Maxed Out My Level anime.





  • The tailor must have been a pervert as he took Halkara's correct boob size; but her shirt is too small.
  • Laika doesn't look different than usual; its like the colors of her clothes switched.
  • Flata is putting too much pressure on Azusa and her family; you would think the villagers would all agree to go in designated groups to avoid giving them so much stress.
    • Even with Laika, Azusa and Rosalie's powers, it would take a lot of effort through the day.
  • Sandra was likely the one at the door.