Beelzebub Was Here (Part 2) is the 9th chapter of the I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level Manga.
Beelzebub amused how Azusa has been killing slimes for only a tenth of her life, which is 3,000 years. Azusa then audaciously claims that they've been eating 4,000 year old Chinese cuisine, which Beelzebub has no clue whatsoever what that is. The match is then decided to take place outside, and as the two leave the protection of the barrier, Beelzebub succumbs to its effects. A languid Beelzebub faints to the ground because of the intense shock she took from the barrier and mentions how sick she is and wants to vomit. Without hesitation, Azusa takes Beelzebub back inside her house and uses her magic to heal her. Revitalized, Beelzebub thanks Azusa for her benevolence, and requests to once again drink Halkara's energy drink for nourishment. Admonishing that thought because of its side effects, but Beelzebub informs both Azusa and Halkara that's not the case and the truth behind why she's "after" Halkara.
The following morning, Beelzebub is fully healed and is invited by Azusa to stay for breakfast, to which, she agrees. Also, Beelzebub apologizes for her past behavior involving the energy drinks and will properly purchase them in the future. Hearing this pleases Halkara and thanks Beelzebub for her patronage. Furthermore, Halkara decides to reopen her business in Azusa's place due to her former villagers mistreatment of her when she was in peril and because they could collect tax revenue from her as well. Another point of which is that Halkara can stay with Azusa. Although she doesn't plan on personally living there, Beelzebub states that she plans on patronizing Halkara's store and settling the match between her and Azusa. In addition to contacting her whenever, something of interest occurs Beelzebub will teach Azusa summoning magic.
While they enjoy breakfast, a few facts about Beelzebub are learned. Those being what the Demon Kingdom is like, her occupation, and whether or not she's married, which that questions flusters her. Eventually, Laika and the twins arrive and are introduced to Beelzebub and while it's noted that another member and frequent guest have been added. Laika announces that she plans to head back to her parents home.