Beelzebub Was Here (Part 1) is the 8th chapter of the I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level Manga.
Inside the cottage, Halkara prepares a compound wearing only an apron which irks Azusa. Over lunch, Azusa mentions to Laika that she's going to introduce Halkara to the people of Flatta Village. Initially, Laika is worried about this, but is persuaded by Azusa that it's for their benefit to do so, like when she was introduced to the village. The twins also have settled in nicely with the village people and are accepted there. Furthermore, Azusa plans on introducing Halkara to the medicine shop owner so Halkara can sell her medicine there. Halkara proudly states her skills in making potions, which has Laika and the twins self-conscious.
Afterward, Halkara is brought to the village by Azusa and the villagers immediately take notice of Halkara's ample body. Even the shopkeeper takes notice, which upsets Azusa and later Natalie of the Adventurer's Guild seemingly is caught off by Halkara's body, but in truth it was because she's an elf. Halkara then introduces herself with a pseudo name and while detailing her profession states that she's the creator of the popular energy drink. Azusa then reproves Halkara for that due to her being a wanted woman by Beelzebub and therefore backtracks what she said. Natalie then shows the two a translated wanted poster stating that Halkara has a 15 million gold bounty on her head. In light of this, the two rush home panic stricken, and Laika is informed of the situation. Taking precautions, Azusa forbids that Halkara leave the house for her protection and that Laika to protect the twins. Following Laika's suggestion a barrier is erected around the house.
Things progress seemingly normal from there on out, until the following morning when Halkara notices that her supply of energy drinks have been nearly depleted. As it wasn't Azusa who drank any of said drinks and Halkara drinks them in moderation, a single fly is noticed in the house. Immediately, Azusa believes her to be Beelzebub, but Halkara denies it. However, the fly in fact was Beelzebub who formally introduces herself. Protecting her student, Azusa refuses to allow Beelzebub to have her disciple, therefore, Beelzebub proposes a match between them and Azusa confidently states that she's been killing slimes for over 300 years.