Hello. I am expanding on AdamantiumBladez' Alphabet system. I've realized that in the anime, the Demon Kingdom has various symbols and iconography for numbers and their coyn currency(Episode 11). I would like to draw and add them to the alphabet. As such, if you could message me the numbers 1-9, then I'd be very glad. It'd let me complete my project (written boldly below)
(You could message me on Discord as well. My discord tag is "mostmischievous")
I am also currently working on exporting the demon script into a .tff file. If this message gets enough attention, then I will also export the Human Alphabet.
I would also like to praise AdamantiumBladez for deciding to transcribe 99% of the alphabet. For him/her to find the letters, translate and to transcribe them must have been a huge task, and I think it's amazing that he/she managed to do it without any support.